Contact Us

Questions, comments or videos to contribute

Please contact us directly at

How can we expand and improve the ‘We Were Athletes’ site?


– Do you have videos you’d like to submit to our on demand platform?
– Do you have information about a video we currently have published you’d like to share with us?
– Or maybe you’d just like to tell us how you liked a video you recently viewed?

Please Share This Page with Your Friends and Family


You can contribute in different ways to help keep this site up & running.

The easiest action you can take is to share the page with others who might enjoy a trip down memory lane.

You can talk to your alma mater about getting videos from your glory days uploaded to the page.

We Were Athletes 
by Donating

Our Goal

To preserve, organize, and share as many football game recordings as possible.

Our Belief

Playing sports is fundamental for character development, and a lifetime of relationships.

Our Mission

To facilitate your trip
down memory lane.

3 Replies to “”

  1. Also, if you have CDs, those are already in a digital format. Are you able to upload those games to a transfer file program like Dropbox then send the links? We could load them from there. Obviously VHS tapes are much different.

  2. Very interested in what you guys are doing. I have access to an embarrassing amount of VHS and CDs that’d I’d love to have processed

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